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main.yml 1.7KB

  1. ---
  2. - name: Update apt cache
  3. apt: update_cache=yes
  4. tags:
  5. - dependencies
  6. - name: Upgrade all safe packages
  7. apt: upgrade=safe
  8. tags:
  9. - dependencies
  10. - name: Install necessities and nice-to-haves
  11. apt: pkg={{ item }} state=installed
  12. with_items:
  13. - apache2
  14. - apt-transport-https
  15. - apticron
  16. - build-essential
  17. - debian-goodies
  18. - git
  19. - htop
  20. - iftop
  21. - iotop
  22. - molly-guard
  23. - mosh
  24. - python-software-properties
  25. - ruby
  26. - screen
  27. - sudo
  28. - unattended-upgrades
  29. - vim
  30. - zsh
  31. tags:
  32. - dependencies
  33. - name: timezone - configure /etc/timezone
  34. copy:
  35. content: "{{ common_timezone | regex_replace('$', '\n') }}"
  36. dest: /etc/timezone
  37. owner: root
  38. group: root
  39. mode: 0644
  40. register: common_timezone_config
  41. - name: timezone - Set localtime to UTC
  42. file: src=/usr/share/zoneinfo/Etc/UTC dest=/etc/localtime
  43. when: common_timezone_config.changed
  44. - name: timezone - reconfigure tzdata
  45. command: dpkg-reconfigure --frontend noninteractive tzdata
  46. when: common_timezone_config.changed
  47. - name: Apticron email configuration
  48. template: src=apticron.conf.j2 dest=/etc/apticron/apticron.conf
  49. - name: Create decrypted directory (even if encfs isn't used)
  50. file: state=directory path=/decrypted
  51. - name: Set decrypted directory permissions
  52. file: state=directory path=/decrypted group=mail mode=775
  53. - include: encfs.yml tags=encfs
  54. - include: users.yml tags=users
  55. - include: apache.yml tags=apache
  56. - include: ssl.yml tags=ssl
  57. - include: letsencrypt.yml tags=letsencrypt
  58. - include: ufw.yml tags=ufw
  59. - include: security.yml tags=security
  60. - include: ntp.yml tags=ntp
  61. - include: google_auth.yml tags=google_auth