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- check process mastodon-web matching "puma [0-9.]* \(tcp://\) \[mastodon\]"
- group social
- start program = "/bin/systemctl start mastodon-web"
- stop program = "/bin/systemctl stop mastodon-web"
- if failed port 4220 type tcp
- with timeout 10 seconds
- then restart
- if 5 restarts within 5 cycles then timeout
- check process mastodon-streaming matching "/home/mastodon/mastodon/streaming/index.js"
- group social
- start program = "/bin/systemctl start mastodon-streaming"
- stop program = "/bin/systemctl stop mastodon-streaming"
- if failed port 4210 type tcp
- with timeout 10 seconds
- then restart
- if 5 restarts within 5 cycles then timeout
- check process mastodon-sidekiq matching "sidekiq [0-9.]* mastodon"
- group social
- start program = "/bin/systemctl start mastodon-sidekiq"
- stop program = "/bin/systemctl stop mastodon-sidekiq"