The Let’s Encrypt service uses DNS to look up domains being registered and then contact the client to verify. For this to work, DNS records must be configured before the playbook is run the first time.
A single certificate is created using Let’s Encrypt with SANs used for the subdomains. The user must configure the list of subdomains to register in vars/user.yml
unless they are installing all services, i.e., the default list of subdomains is everything.
The role is designed to fail if a certificate cannot be generated for all subdomains listed. This catches DNS configuration errors where a subdomain should have a record but does not. Errors in the other direction (not all subdomains are listed in the SANs) can be addressed after detection by fixing the configuration and rerunning the role.
Several packages need access to the private key. Not all are run as root. Examples include Prosody (XMPP) and ZNC (IRC bouncer). The approach in these cases is to copy the certificates and manage ownership and mode for them separately. This is to avoid stomping on directory ownership and modes in /etc/letsencrypt.
Certificates and private keys are backed up using tarsnap.
Certificate renewal is done automatically using cron. The cron script must be aware of private key copies and update them as well. Services that depend on new keys must also be bounced. It is up to roles that rely on keys to modify the cron script (preferably using lineinfile
or something similar) to accomplish this.
An isolated VM deployed with Vagrant is used for testing. The Let’s Encrypt service cannot be used to get keys for it, since it is not bound with DNS. A self-signed wildcard key is therefore used for testing. The wildcard key, certificate, and chain are installed in the same way that Let’s Encrypt keys are installed.
Two other approaches were considered.
Another way to generate certificates is to generate one certificate per domain and expect each module that uses a subdomain to generate its own certificate for the subdomain.
This was prototyped. The common role included a parameterized task list that could be invoked by modules that needed to generate a key. The certificate renewal script run by cron could be modified to update all the certificates in the live
This approach was rejected due to complexity. This would have been the first time modules needed to invoke a task list from another module. Managing multiple certificates is also more complicated.
It would be desirable if the user did not have to list the subdomains used in vars/user.yml
. This introduces an opportunity for the subdomain list to not match what is configured in DNS and the list of roles. Three pieces of information have to be coordinated instead of two.
One approach to avoiding the subdomains variable looks like this.
module that uses the registration variable to generate the real certificate with SANs and then bounce services using the same script cron will need to bounce services on certificate renewal.The whole thing becomes a bootstrapping process.
This approach was not prototyped. It was rejected since the letsencrypt
role would not be idempotent. Furthermore, in order to run at all, the entire playbook would need to be run.
Asking the user to list subdomains in vars/user.yml
is probably ok. The user must preconfigure their DNS records before running the playbook so that Let’s Encrypt can verify domains. Therefore, the user is going to know what subdomains they are using before the first run of the playbook.