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cgit.yml 1.5KB

  1. - name: Install cgit dependencies
  2. apt: pkg={{ item }} state=installed
  3. with_items:
  4. - groff
  5. - python-pip
  6. - libssl-dev
  7. - name: Install cgit pip dependencies
  8. pip: name={{ item }}
  9. with_items:
  10. - pygments
  11. - docutils
  12. - name: Download cgit release
  13. get_url: url={{ cgit_version }}.tar.xz
  14. dest=/root/cgit-{{ cgit_version }}.tar.xz
  15. - name: Decompress cgit source
  16. command: tar xvfJ /root/cgit-{{ cgit_version }}.tar.xz
  17. chdir=/root
  18. creates=/root/cgit-{{ cgit_version }}/configure
  19. - name: Build and install cgit
  20. shell: make get-git ; make ; make install
  21. executable=/bin/bash
  22. chdir=/root/cgit-{{ cgit_version }}
  23. creates=/var/www/htdocs/cgit/cgit.cgi
  24. - name: Copy cgitrc
  25. template: src=etc_cgitrc.j2 dest=/etc/cgitrc
  26. group=www-data
  27. owner=www-data
  28. - name: Configure the Apache HTTP server for cgit
  29. template: src=etc_apache2_sites-available_cgit.j2
  30. dest=/etc/apache2/sites-available/cgit
  31. group=www-data
  32. owner=www-data
  33. notify: restart apache
  34. - name: Enable Apache cgi module
  35. command: a2enmod cgi creates=/etc/apache2/mods-enabled/cgi.load
  36. notify: restart apache
  37. - name: Enable Apache rewrite module
  38. command: a2enmod rewrite creates=/etc/apache2/mods-enabled/rewrite.load
  39. notify: restart apache
  40. - name: Enable cgit site
  41. command: a2ensite cgit creates=/etc/apache2/sites-enabled/cgit
  42. notify: restart apache