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- - name: Clone Selfoss
- git: repo=https://github.com/SSilence/selfoss.git
- dest=/var/www/selfoss
- - name: Set selfoss permissions
- action: file owner=www-data group=www-data path=/var/www/selfoss recurse=yes state=directory
- - name: Create database user for selfoss
- postgresql_user: login_host=localhost login_user={{ db_admin_username }} login_password={{ db_admin_password }} name={{ selfoss_db_username }} password={{ selfoss_db_password }} state=present
- - name: Create database for selfoss
- postgresql_db: login_host=localhost login_user={{ db_admin_username }} login_password={{ db_admin_password }} name={{ selfoss_db_database }} state=present owner={{ selfoss_db_username }}
- - name: Install selfoss config.ini
- template: src=var_www_selfoss_config.ini.j2 dest=/var/www/selfoss/config.ini group=www-data owner=www-data
- - name: Enable Apache rewrite module
- command: a2enmod rewrite creates=/etc/apache2/mods-enabled/rewrite.load
- notify: restart apache
- - name: Enable Apache headers module
- command: a2enmod headers creates=/etc/apache2/mods-enabled/headers.load
- notify: restart apache
- - name: Enable Apache expires module
- command: a2enmod expires creates=/etc/apache2/mods-enabled/expires.load
- notify: restart apache
- - name: Configure the Apache HTTP server for selfoss
- template: src=etc_apache2_sites-available_selfoss.j2 dest=/etc/apache2/sites-available/selfoss group=www-data owner=www-data
- notify: restart apache
- - name: Enable the selfoss site
- command: a2ensite selfoss creates=/etc/apache2/sites-enabled/selfoss
- notify: restart apache
- - name: Install selfoss cronjob
- cron: name="selfoss" user="www-data" minute="*/5" job="curl --silent --show-error -k 'https://{{ selfoss_domain }}/update' > /dev/null"