# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import re import itertools import email.utils import os.path import time import codecs from datetime import datetime import urlparse DEFAULT_LANG = "en" BASE_URL = "https://www.xythobuz.de" # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # sub page helper macro # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- def backToParent(): # check for special parent cases posts = [] if page.get("show_in_quadcopters", "false") == "true": posts = [p for p in pages if p.url == "quadcopters.html"] # if not, check for actual parent if len(posts) == 0: url = page.get("parent", "") + ".html" posts = [p for p in pages if p.url == url] # print if any parent link found if len(posts) > 0: p = posts[0] print '[...back to ' + p.title + ' overview](' + p.url + ')' # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # table helper macro # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- def tableHelper(style, header, content): print "" if (header != None) and (len(header) == len(style)): print "" for h in header: print "" print "" for ci in range(0, len(content)): if len(content[ci]) != len(style): # invalid call of table helper! continue print "" for i in range(0, len(style)): s = style[i] td_style = "" if "monospaced" in s: td_style += " font-family: monospace;" if "align-last-right" in s: if ci == (len(content) - 1): td_style += " text-align: right;" else: if "align-center" in s: td_style += " text-align: center;" elif "align-right" in s: td_style += " text-align: right;" elif "align-center" in s: td_style += " text-align: center;" td_args = "" if td_style != "": td_args = " style=\"" + td_style + "\"" print "" if isinstance(content[ci][i], tuple): text, link = content[ci][i] print "" + text + "" else: text = content[ci][i] print text print "" print "" print "
" + h + "
" # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # menu helper macro # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- def githubCommitBadge(p, showInline = False): ret = "" if p.get("github", "") != "": link = p.get("git", p.github) linkParts = p.github.split("/") if len(linkParts) >= 5: ret += "" return ret def printMenuItem(p, yearsAsHeading = False, showDateSpan = False, showOnlyStartDate = False, nicelyFormatFullDate = False, lastyear = "0", lang = "", showLastCommit = True): title = p.title if lang != "": if p.get("title_" + lang, "") != "": title = p.get("title_" + lang, "") if title == "Blog": title = p.post year = p.get("date", "")[0:4] if year != lastyear: lastyear = year if yearsAsHeading: print "\n\n#### %s\n" % (year) dateto = "" if p.get("date", "" != ""): year = p.get("date", "")[0:4] if showOnlyStartDate: dateto = " (%s)" % (year) if p.get("update", "") != "" and p.get("update", "")[0:4] != year: if showDateSpan: dateto = " (%s - %s)" % (year, p.get("update", "")[0:4]) if nicelyFormatFullDate: dateto = " - " + datetime.strptime(p.get("update", p.date), "%Y-%m-%d").strftime("%B %d, %Y") print " * **[%s](%s)**%s" % (title, p.url, dateto) if p.get("description", "") != "": description = p.get("description", "") if lang != "": if p.get("description_" + lang, "") != "": description = p.get("description_" + lang, "") print "
" + description + "" if showLastCommit: link = githubCommitBadge(p) if len(link) > 0: print "
" + link return lastyear def printRecentMenu(count = 5): posts = [p for p in pages if "date" in p and p.lang == "en"] posts.sort(key=lambda p: p.get("update", p.get("date")), reverse=True) if count > 0: posts = posts[0:count] for p in posts: printMenuItem(p, False, False, False, True, "0", "", False) def printBlogMenu(): posts = [p for p in pages if "post" in p and p.lang == "en"] posts.sort(key=lambda p: p.get("date", "9999-01-01"), reverse=True) lastyear = "0" for p in posts: lastyear = printMenuItem(p, True, False, False, True, lastyear) def printProjectsMenu(): # prints all pages with parent 'projects' or 'stuff'. # first the ones without date, sorted by position. # then afterwards those with date, split by year. # also supports blog posts with parent. enpages = [p for p in pages if p.lang == "en"] dpages = [p for p in enpages if p.get("date", "") == ""] mpages = [p for p in dpages if any(x in p.get("parent", "") for x in [ 'projects', 'stuff' ])] mpages.sort(key=lambda p: [int(p.get("position", "999"))]) for p in mpages: printMenuItem(p) dpages = [p for p in enpages if p.get("date", "") != ""] mpages = [p for p in dpages if any(x in p.get("parent", "") for x in [ 'projects', 'stuff' ])] mpages.sort(key=lambda p: [p.get("date", "9999-01-01")], reverse = True) lastyear = "0" for p in mpages: lastyear = printMenuItem(p, True, True, False, False, lastyear) def print3DPrintingMenu(): mpages = [p for p in pages if p.get("parent", "") == "3d-printing" and p.lang == "en"] mpages.sort(key=lambda p: int(p["position"])) for p in mpages: printMenuItem(p, False, True, True) def printInputDevicesMenu(): mpages = [p for p in pages if p.get("parent", "") == "input_devices" and p.lang == "en"] mpages.sort(key=lambda p: [p.get("date", "9999-01-01")], reverse = True) for p in mpages: printMenuItem(p, False, True, True) def printInputDevicesRelatedMenu(): mpages = [p for p in pages if p.get("show_in_input_devices", "false") == "true"] mpages.sort(key=lambda p: [p.get("date", "9999-01-01")], reverse = True) for p in mpages: printMenuItem(p, False, True, True) def printSmarthomeMenu(): mpages = [p for p in pages if p.get("parent", "") == "smarthome" and p.lang == "en"] mpages.sort(key=lambda p: int(p["position"])) for p in mpages: printMenuItem(p, False, True, True) def printQuadcopterMenu(): mpages = [p for p in pages if p.get("parent", "") == "quadcopters" and p.lang == "en"] mpages.sort(key=lambda p: int(p["position"])) for p in mpages: printMenuItem(p, False, True, True) def printQuadcopterRelatedMenu(): mpages = [p for p in pages if p.get("show_in_quadcopters", "false") == "true"] mpages.sort(key=lambda p: [p.get("date", "9999-01-01")], reverse = True) for p in mpages: printMenuItem(p, False, True, True) def printRobotMenuEnglish(): mpages = [p for p in pages if p.get("parent", "") == "xyrobot" and p.lang == "en"] mpages.sort(key=lambda p: int(p["position"])) for p in mpages: printMenuItem(p) def printRobotMenuDeutsch(): mpages = [p for p in pages if p.get("parent", "") == "xyrobot" and p.lang == "de"] mpages.sort(key=lambda p: int(p["position"])) for p in mpages: printMenuItem(p, False, False, False, False, "0", "de") # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # lightgallery helper macro # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # call this macro like this: # lightgallery([ # [ "image-link", "description" ], # [ "image-link", "thumbnail-link", "description" ], # [ "youtube-link", "thumbnail-link", "description" ], # [ "video-link", "mime", "thumbnail-link", "image-link", "description" ], # [ "video-link", "mime", "", "", "description" ], # ]) # it will also auto-generate thumbnails and resize and strip EXIF from images # using the included web-image-resize script. # and it can generate video thumbnails and posters with the video-thumb script. def lightgallery_check_thumbnail(link, thumb): # only check local image links if not link.startswith('img/'): return # generate thumbnail filename web-image-resize will create x = link.rfind('.') img = link[:x] + '_small' + link[x:] # only run when desired thumb path matches calculated ones if thumb != img: return # generate fs path to images path = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'static', link) img = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'static', thumb) # no need to generate thumb again if os.path.exists(img): return # run web-image-resize to generate thumbnail script = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'web-image-resize') os.system(script + ' ' + path) def lightgallery_check_thumbnail_video(link, thumb, poster): # only check local image links if not link.startswith('img/'): return # generate thumbnail filenames video-thumb will create x = link.rfind('.') thumb_l = link[:x] + '_thumb.png' poster_l = link[:x] + '_poster.png' # only run when desired thumb path matches calculated ones if (thumb_l != thumb) or (poster_l != poster): return # generate fs path to images path = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'static', link) thumb_p = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'static', thumb) poster_p = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'static', poster) # no need to generate thumb again if os.path.exists(thumb_p) or os.path.exists(poster_p): return # run video-thumb to generate thumbnail script = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'video-thumb') os.system(script + ' ' + path) def lightgallery(links): videos = [l for l in links if len(l) == 5] v_i = -1 for v in videos: link, mime, thumb, poster, alt = v v_i += 1 print '' print '
' v_i = -1 for l in links: if (len(l) == 3) or (len(l) == 2): link = img = alt = "" style = img2 = "" if len(l) == 3: link, img, alt = l else: link, alt = l if "youtube.com" in link: img = "https://img.youtube.com/vi/" img += urlparse.parse_qs(urlparse.urlparse(link).query)['v'][0] img += "/0.jpg" # full size preview #img += "/default.jpg" # default thumbnail style = ' style="width:300px;"' img2 = '' else: x = link.rfind('.') img = link[:x] + '_small' + link[x:] lightgallery_check_thumbnail(link, img) print '
' + alt + '' + img2 + '
' elif len(l) == 5: v_i += 1 link, mime, thumb, poster, alt = videos[v_i] if len(thumb) <= 0: x = link.rfind('.') thumb = link[:x] + '_thumb.png' if len(poster) <= 0: x = link.rfind('.') poster = link[:x] + '_poster.png' lightgallery_check_thumbnail_video(link, thumb, poster) print '
' else: raise NameError('Invalid number of arguments for lightgallery') print '
' # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # github helper macros # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- import urllib, json def restRequest(url): response = urllib.urlopen(url) if response.getcode() != 200: raise Exception("invalid response code", response.getcode()) data = json.loads(response.read()) return data def restReleases(user, repo): s = "https://api.github.com/repos/" s += user s += "/" s += repo s += "/releases" return restRequest(s) def printLatestRelease(user, repo): repo_url = "https://github.com/" + user + "/" + repo print("
") print("Release builds for " + repo + " are available on GitHub.
\n") releases = restReleases(user, repo) if len(releases) <= 0: print("No release has been published on GitHub yet.") print("
") return releases.sort(key=lambda x: x["published_at"], reverse=True) r = releases[0] release_url = r["html_url"] print("Latest release of " + repo + ", at the time of this writing: " + r["name"] + " (" + datetime.strptime(r["published_at"], "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ").strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") + ")\n") if len(r["assets"]) <= 0: print("
No release assets have been published on GitHub for that.") print("") return print("") def include_url(url): response = urllib.urlopen(url) if response.getcode() != 200: raise Exception("invalid response code", response.getcode()) data = response.read() print data, # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # preconvert hooks # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # multi language support # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- def hook_preconvert_anotherlang(): MKD_PATT = r'\.(?:md|mkd|mdown|markdown)$' _re_lang = re.compile(r'^[\s+]?lang[\s+]?[:=]((?:.|\n )*)', re.MULTILINE) vpages = [] # Set of all virtual pages for p in pages: current_lang = DEFAULT_LANG # Default language langs = [] # List of languages for the current page page_vpages = {} # Set of virtual pages for the current page text_lang = re.split(_re_lang, p.source) text_grouped = dict(zip([current_lang,] + \ [lang.strip() for lang in text_lang[1::2]], \ text_lang[::2])) for lang, text in text_grouped.iteritems(): spath = p.fname.split(os.path.sep) langs.append(lang) if lang == "en": filename = re.sub(MKD_PATT, "%s\g<0>" % "", p.fname).split(os.path.sep)[-1] else: filename = re.sub(MKD_PATT, ".%s\g<0>" % lang, p.fname).split(os.path.sep)[-1] vp = Page(filename, virtual=text) # Copy real page attributes to the virtual page for attr in p: if not vp.has_key(attr): vp[attr] = p[attr] # Define a title in the proper language vp["title"] = p["title_%s" % lang] \ if p.has_key("title_%s" % lang) \ else p["title"] # Keep track of the current lang of the virtual page vp["lang"] = lang page_vpages[lang] = vp # Each virtual page has to know about its sister vpages for lang, vpage in page_vpages.iteritems(): vpage["lang_links"] = dict([(l, v["url"]) for l, v in page_vpages.iteritems()]) vpage["other_lang"] = langs # set other langs and link vpages += page_vpages.values() pages[:] = vpages # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # compatibility redirect for old website URLs # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _COMPAT = """ case "%s": $loc = "%s/%s"; break; """ _COMPAT_404 = """ default: $loc = "%s"; break; """ def hook_preconvert_compat(): fp = open(os.path.join(options.project, "output", "index.php"), 'w') fp.write("") fp.close() # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # sitemap generation # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _SITEMAP = """ %s """ _SITEMAP_URL = """ %s/%s %s %s %s """ def hook_preconvert_sitemap(): date = datetime.strftime(datetime.now(), "%Y-%m-%d") urls = [] for p in pages: urls.append(_SITEMAP_URL % (BASE_URL, p.url, date, p.get("changefreq", "monthly"), p.get("priority", "0.5"))) fname = os.path.join(options.project, "output", "sitemap.xml") fp = open(fname, 'w') fp.write(_SITEMAP % "".join(urls)) fp.close() # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # postconvert hooks # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # rss feed generation # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _RSS = """ %s %s %s en-us %s %s http://blogs.law.harvard.edu/tech/rss Poole 720 %s """ _RSS_ITEM = """ %s %s %s %s %s %s """ def hook_postconvert_rss(): items = [] # all pages with "date" get put into feed posts = [p for p in pages if "date" in p] # sort by update if available, date else posts.sort(key=lambda p: p.get("update", p.date), reverse=True) # only put 20 most recent items in feed posts = posts[:20] for p in posts: title = p.title if "post" in p: title = p.post link = "%s/%s" % (BASE_URL, p.url) desc = p.html.replace("href=\"img", "%s%s%s" % ("href=\"", BASE_URL, "/img")) desc = desc.replace("src=\"img", "%s%s%s" % ("src=\"", BASE_URL, "/img")) desc = desc.replace("href=\"/img", "%s%s%s" % ("href=\"", BASE_URL, "/img")) desc = desc.replace("src=\"/img", "%s%s%s" % ("src=\"", BASE_URL, "/img")) desc = htmlspecialchars(desc) date = time.mktime(time.strptime("%s 12" % p.date, "%Y-%m-%d %H")) date = email.utils.formatdate(date) update = time.mktime(time.strptime("%s 12" % p.get("update", p.date), "%Y-%m-%d %H")) update = email.utils.formatdate(update) items.append(_RSS_ITEM % (title, link, desc, date, update, link)) items = "".join(items) style = "/css/rss.xsl" title = "xythobuz.de Blog" link = "%s" % BASE_URL feed = "%s/rss.xml" % BASE_URL desc = htmlspecialchars("xythobuz Electronics & Software Projects") date = email.utils.formatdate() rss = _RSS % (style, title, link, feed, desc, date, date, items) fp = codecs.open(os.path.join(output, "rss.xml"), "w", "utf-8") fp.write(rss) fp.close() # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # compatibility redirect for old mobile pages # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _COMPAT_MOB = """ case "%s": $loc = "%s/%s"; break; """ _COMPAT_404_MOB = """ default: $loc = "%s"; break; """ def hook_postconvert_mobilecompat(): directory = os.path.join(output, "mobile") if not os.path.exists(directory): os.makedirs(directory) fp = codecs.open(os.path.join(directory, "index.php"), "w", "utf-8") fp.write("") fp.close() # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # displaying filesize for download links # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- def hook_postconvert_size(): file_ext = '|'.join(['pdf', 'zip', 'rar', 'ods', 'odt', 'odp', 'doc', 'xls', 'ppt', 'docx', 'xlsx', 'pptx', 'exe', 'brd', 'plist']) def matched_link(matchobj): try: path = matchobj.group(1) if path.startswith("http") or path.startswith("//") or path.startswith("ftp"): return '%s' % (matchobj.group(1), matchobj.group(3)) elif path.startswith("/"): path = path.strip("/") path = os.path.join("static/", path) size = os.path.getsize(path) if size >= (1024 * 1024): return "%s (%.1f MiB)" % (matchobj.group(1), matchobj.group(3), size / (1024.0 * 1024.0)) elif size >= 1024: return "%s (%d KiB)" % (matchobj.group(1), matchobj.group(3), size // 1024) else: return "%s (%d Byte)" % (matchobj.group(1), matchobj.group(3), size) except: print "Unable to estimate file size for %s" % matchobj.group(1) return '%s' % (matchobj.group(1), matchobj.group(3)) _re_url = '(.*?)<\/a>' % file_ext for p in pages: p.html = re.sub(_re_url, matched_link, p.html)