title: Blog post: iStick Pico 25 OLED Replacement description: Repairing an aging dim 510 box mod display date: 2024-09-16 comments: true --- Years ago I bought a cheap chinese E-Cigarette 510 box mod, the Eleaf iStick Pico 25. It's running the ArcticFox custom firmware which sadly seems to be [no longer available](https://nfeteam.org/). I never really used it for anything, but for [reasons](https://vapeengineering.de/) I want to get it going again. Unfortunately the display is so dim that it can no longer be used. So I wanted to repair the device. I found [this comment on Reddit](https://old.reddit.com/r/Vaping/comments/4t5w0k/the_screen_of_my_eleaf_pico_is_fading_every_day/jz009z6/) explaining that it's just a standard SSD1306 128x32 0.91" OLED display. [This guy](https://old.reddit.com/r/Vaping/comments/18d9kkq/brand_new_istick_pico_75w_with_a_dim_screen/krzd9ix/) says initially Eleaf used ribbon cable connectors, making the replacement easy, and one shouldn't try without them. But actually soldering on a replacement is very easy. First open the device and carefully remove the plastic display mount and desolder the ribbon cable. <!--% lightgallery([ [ "img/istick_pico_oled_replacement_1.jpg", "Old display, top view" ], [ "img/istick_pico_oled_replacement_2.jpg", "Display holder removed" ], ]) %--> The most difficult part for me was getting the [replacement OLED](https://www.az-delivery.de/en/products/0-91-zoll-i2c-oled-display) removed from the breakout board. I used some lighter fuel to dissolve the glue and carefully levered and cut it off, trying not to break the glass or destroy the ribbon PCB. <!--% lightgallery([ [ "img/istick_pico_oled_replacement_3.jpg", "Replacement display" ], ]) %--> Then just solder it on like any other SMD part. <!--% lightgallery([ [ "img/istick_pico_oled_replacement_4.jpg", "Repair done" ], ]) %--> Works great!