title: GTA: San Andreas Unity Drone Simulator description: Extremely rudimentary quadcopter sim based on SA:Unity parent: projects show_in_quadcopters: true date: 2017-04-01 update: 2017-10-08 github: https://github.com/xythobuz/SanAndreasUnity/tree/sim comments: true --- After re-playing GTA:SA, and also because of my general interest in old games, I one day searched GitHub for projects related to GTA San Andreas. This led me to the [San Andreas Unity project](https://github.com/in0finite/SanAndreasUnity). I was very much interested in Quadcopters at the time, and I was also looking to gain some experience in working with Unity. So I decided to attempt and [combine](https://github.com/xythobuz/SanAndreasUnity/tree/sim) the two topics. Here is a video of the simulator in action. <!--% lightgallery([ [ "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xUAy7KBpkOs", "img/gta_sa_unity_sim_thumb.jpg", "GTA: San Andreas - Drone Flight Simulator" ] ]) %--> The "physics" "simulation" in my code is not working very well. To reach the state that can be seen in the video above already took a lot of tweaking, and the result is obviously not optimal yet. Together with my [SerialGamepad project](2015_12_20_serialgamepad.html) I was even able to fly in the SA:Unity sim with my usual quadcopter transmitter. But my curiosity was satisfied at this point and I had no more interest in working on it further. Here are some screenshots of San Andreas Unity without my quadcopter modifications. <!--% lightgallery([ [ "img/gta_sa_unity_sim_1.png", "Standing player model" ], [ "img/gta_sa_unity_sim_2.png", "Debug UI visible" ], [ "img/gta_sa_unity_sim_3.png", "Player in car" ] ]) %--> My fork of SanAndreasUnity can be found [on GitHub](https://github.com/xythobuz/SanAndreasUnity), the simulator experiments are [in the 'sim' branch](https://github.com/xythobuz/SanAndreasUnity/tree/sim).