title: Home parent: main position: 10 flattr: true compat: home ---
I'm a 19 year old Information Engineering student from Germany, mostly building stuff with AVR microcontrollers. All of my projects are released as [Free Software][fs] on my [GitHub Profile][gh], as well as on this Website. Have fun! It would be nice if you could use this [Amazon.de Affiliate Link][ama]. ### Recent Blog Posts * [more...](blog.html) ### Tweets
Tweets by @xythobuz
[1]: http://www.xythobuz.de/cubehook.php [fs]: http://www.gnu.org/philosophy/free-sw.html [gh]: https://github.com/xythobuz [ama]: http://www.amazon.de/?_encoding=UTF8&camp=1638&creative=19454&linkCode=ur2&site-redirect=de&tag=xythobuzorg-21