title: xyRobotRemote
title_de: xyRobotRemote
description: Java Swing App to remote-control a robot
description: Java Swing App um einen Roboter fernzusteuern
parent: xyrobot
position: 3
comments: true
flattr: true
github: https://github.com/xythobuz/xyRobot/tree/master/xyRobotRemote
compat: xyrobotremote

xyRobotRemote is a Cross-Platform Java GUI App. It controls the [xyRobot][1].

[![New Screenshot][2]][3]
[![Pandora Screenshot 1][8]][9]
[![Pandora Screenshot 2][10]][11]

The source code is in the [xyRobot Github Repository][6].

![Old Screenshot][7]

That's what the GUI looked like earlier, when it was written as X11 App.

 [1]: index.php?p=rob
 [2]: img/xyremote_small.png
 [3]: img/xyremote.png
 [4]: img/GBCam2_small.png
 [5]: img/GBCam2.png
 [6]: https://github.com/xythobuz/xyRobot/tree/master/xyRobotRemote
 [7]: img/GBCam.png
 [8]: img/pan_small.png
 [9]: img/pan.png
 [10]: img/panWork_small.png
 [11]: img/panWork.png

lang: de

xyRobotRemote ist eine Cross-Plattform Java GUI App. Sie dient der Fernsteuerung des [xyRobot][1] Roboters.

[![New Screenshot][2]][3]
[![Pandora Screenshot 1][8]][9]
[![Pandora Screenshot 2][10]][11]

Der Quellcode liegt im [xyRobot Github Repository][6].

![Old Screenshot][7]

So sah die GUI früher, als X11 App, aus.

 [1]: index.php?p=rob
 [2]: img/xyremote_small.png
 [3]: img/xyremote.png
 [4]: img/GBCam2_small.png
 [5]: img/GBCam2.png
 [6]: https://github.com/xythobuz/xyRobot/tree/master/xyRobotRemote
 [7]: img/GBCam.png
 [8]: img/pan_small.png
 [9]: img/pan.png
 [10]: img/panWork_small.png
 [11]: img/panWork.png