title: IoT Software Stack description: InfluxDB / Grafana / Telegraf parent: smarthome position: 200 date: 2019-04-01 update: 2022-05-21 comments: true --- Besides the sensor inputs and actor outputs, which are handled by [my ESP-Env firmware](/espenv.html), a complete Smarthome setup also needs some software running on a central server. This usually consists of a message broker, like [MQTT](https://mqtt.org/). Some kind of database, preferably for time series data, like [InfluxDB](https://www.influxdata.com/products/influxdb-overview/). And a way of visualizing that data, like [Grafana](https://grafana.com/). The installation of all of these tools is in my case [handled by an ansible script](/sovereign.html). They are running on a VM on [my NAS](nas_2018.html). I also have some other fun scripts running that feed data into Influx. This includes [fritzinfluxdb](https://github.com/karrot-dev/fritzinfluxdb), which polls statistics from a Fritz.Box and includes a nice pre-made Grafana dashboard. Another one is [nut-influxdb-exporter](https://github.com/kiwimato/nut-influxdb-exporter), which logs statistics from the UPS connected to my NAS. All of my machines also run [Telegraf](https://www.influxdata.com/time-series-platform/telegraf/) to feed statistics about stuff like CPU and disk usage. The [air quality monitor on my balcony](https://luftdaten.info/) also writes into the database, besides their [open sensor community map](https://deutschland.maps.sensor.community/#12/47.6926/9.4136).