title: OctoPrint Setup description: Setting up OctoPrint and some common improvements parent: 3d-printing position: 30 comments: true flattr: true --- [...back to 3D-Printing overview](3d-printing.html) All my 3D printers are connected to a Raspberry Pi running [OctoPrint](https://octoprint.org/). For ease of use, I suggest downloading and installing a pre-made [OctoPi image](https://octoprint.org/download/). Here on this page I describe some common steps and improvements I do on each of them. ### Controlling a Power Supply To turn the power for the 3D printer on and off from within OctoPrint, there are different methods available depending on the setup of your 3D printer. If you are using a standard fixed-voltage brick power supply, you can use a cheap relais board to switch the power between your supply and the printer. If however you are using an ATX power supply, you can not only power the Raspberry Pi from the 5V standby rail, you can also turn the rest of the power supply, and therefore the printer, on and off using the corresponding signal of the ATX supply. By default, the purple cable will carry the 5V standby power, and the green cable needs to be pulled low to turn the supply on. I've decided to simply use the GPIOs at the top of the Raspberry Pi pinheader normally used for I2C, as they already contain pullup resistors. [Here are some hints on how to use a relais board with the Raspberry Pi](https://github.com/foosel/OctoPrint/wiki/Controlling-a-relay-board-from-your-RPi#modify-the-5v-relay-board-to-run-off-of-rpi-33v-gpio-pins-sainsmart-5v-relay-from-amazon). [Here are the instructions to add commands for controlling the printer power](https://github.com/foosel/OctoPrint/wiki/Controlling-a-relay-board-from-your-RPi#manual-way). I'd suggest using this way of adding some system actions to OctoPrint, as these can also be used from the Telegram Plugin for example. This is not the case when using the PSU Control Plugin in OctoPrint. ### Automatically Connect to Printer [Bernd Zeimetz has a great writeup on how to auto-connect to the serial port](https://bzed.de/post/2017/11/octoprint_autoconnect_printer/) of your 3D printer. Here is the very brief version of it: Create the script `/home/pi/connect_octoprint.py` with the following contents:
#!/home/pi/OctoPrint/venv/bin/python OCTOPRINT_URL = 'http://localhost:5000/api/connection' API_KEY = 'AAABBB000YOURAPIKEYHERE000BBBAAA' BAUDRATE = 115200 import requests import sys port = sys.argv[1] headers = {'X-Api-Key': API_KEY} json = { "command": "connect", "port": port, "baudrate": BAUDRATE, } r = requests.post( OCTOPRINT_URL, json=json, headers=headers ) if (r.status_code == 204): sys.exit(0) else: print(r) sys.exit(1)Make sure to replace the API Key from your OctoPrint user settings page. Also change the baudrate if needed. Now create the file `/etc/systemd/system/octoprint_connect@.service` with the following contents: [Unit] Description=Connect printer to OctoPrint automatically BindsTo=dev-%i.device After=dev-%i.device [Service] Type=oneshot User=pi RemainAfterExit=yes ExecStart=/home/pi/connect_octoprint.py /dev/%I To make the new service usable:
sudo systemctl daemon-reloadFind out the USB Vendor and Product ID of the 3D printer serial port:
lsusb -v | grep -iE ‘(^bus|idvendor|idproduct)’Then create the file `/etc/udev/rules.d/3dprinter.rules` and modify its contents with the IDs you got from the previous step: KERNEL=="tty*", ATTRS{idVendor}=="0403", ATTRS{idProduct}=="6001", \ TAG+="systemd", ENV{SYSTEMD_WANTS}="octoprint_connect@%k.service" That should be it. If it doesn't work, there's some debugging hints in the article linked above. ### Physical Power Button Besides controlling eg. an ATX power supply or a relay connecting the printer to the power supply, I also wanted a push-button connected to the Raspberry Pi that can toggle the power supply using the aforementioned connection on the Pi. This can be solved using a simple Python script. For this, we also need to install a small dependency:
sudo apt-get install python3-rpi.gpio mkdir ~/button-script vim ~/button-script/power.pyand enter something like this:
#!/usr/bin/env python3 import time import RPi.GPIO as GPIO sleep_timeout = 1000 sleep_toggle = 5.0 pin_button = 5 pin_power = 3 GPIO.setmode(GPIO.BOARD) GPIO.setwarnings(False) GPIO.setup(pin_button, GPIO.IN) GPIO.setup(pin_power, GPIO.IN) GPIO.setup(pin_power, GPIO.OUT, initial=GPIO.input(pin_power)) while True: channel = GPIO.wait_for_edge(pin_button, GPIO.FALLING, timeout=sleep_timeout) if channel is not None: GPIO.output(pin_power, not GPIO.input(pin_power)) time.sleep(sleep_toggle) GPIO.cleanup()Of course, you may need to adjust the pin numbers or the logic if you're not using an active-low switch. Make the script executable and create a bootup-script to autostart it:
chmod a+x ~/button-script/power.py sudo vim /etc/init.d/octopi-power-buttonAnd enter the following:
#!/bin/sh /home/pi/button-script/power.py &Now also make this script executable, register it for execution on boot, and run it for the current session:
sudo chmod a+x /etc/init.d/octopi-power-button sudo update-rc.d /etc/init.d/octopi-power-button defaults sudo /etc/init.d/octopi-power-buttonNow every time you press the button (with a 5s debounce delay afterwards) the printer power will be toggled. ### Automatic Photo Upload As you may have seen, all my 3D printer are [uploading a photo every 5 minutes](printer.html) to this webserver. Achieving this is very simple. First, you have to ensure that you can do a passwordless key-based ssh login from your Raspberry Pi running OctoPrint to your webserver. For this, you may need to generate an ssh key on your Pi:
ssh-keygenFor the prompts just press enter, the defaults are fine. Then, copy the contents of the newly generated public key in `~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub` to your webserver into the `~/.ssh/authorized_keys` file. Test the connection and accept the prompt when connecting for the first time, in my case:
ssh thomas@xythobuz.deNow, create a new script somewhere:
mkdir ~/foto-script vim ~/foto-script/upload.shand fill it with the following contents:
#!/bin/bash wget -O printer.jpg scp printer.jpg thomas@xythobuz.de:/var/www/xythobuz/printer.jpg rm printer.jpgOf course, you may need to adjust the destination path on your webserver. Finally, add the script as a cronjob using `crontab -e`: */5 * * * * sudo -u pi /home/pi/foto-script/upload.sh >/dev/null 2>/dev/null And that's it. An updated photo will appear on your webserver every 5 minutes.