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  72. <h2>AVR Serial Library</h2>
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  78. <h1>AVR Serial Library</h1>
  79. <p>The avrSerial Library enables interrupt-driven UART communication on all available UART modules. Each module has it's own receive and transmit buffer. XON/XOFF Flow Control for the receiving end can be enabled. At the moment, the following AtMega types are supported:</p>
  80. <pre><code>AtMega8
  81. AtMega16
  82. AtMega32
  83. AtMega8515
  84. AtMega8535
  85. AtMega323
  86. AtMega2560
  87. AtMega2561
  88. AtMega1280
  89. AtMega1281
  90. AtMega640
  91. AtMega168
  92. </code></pre>
  93. <p>To add another processor, just get the register names from the data sheet and put them in the header file.</p>
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