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  72. <h2>K6x4008 SRAM</h2>
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  78. <h1>K6x4008 SRAM</h1>
  79. <p><a href="/img/ram.jpg"><img alt="Photo 1" src="/img/ram_small.jpg" /></a></p>
  80. <p>My xyRobot uses a <a href=";GROUPID=2954&amp;ARTICLE=40088&amp;SHOW=1&amp;START=0&amp;OFFSET=500&amp;">K6x4008 512K SRAM</a> to store pictures from it's Gameboy Camera. It is accessed via two shift registers, saving some pins. You still need two full byte ports to access the RAM.</p>
  81. <p><a href="/img/ram.png"><img alt="Schematic" src="/img/ram_small.png" /></a></p>
  82. <p><a href="">Code in the xyRobot GitHub repository</a></p>
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