My static website generator using poole 2.6KB

title: File Archive description: Some files mirrored for archival purposes parent: stuff

position: 1000

There is this trend of releasing binaries or small utility programs in Web-Forums or loading them onto one-click hosters. Some years in the future, these forums or hosters probably won’t exist anymore, while there is still a need for the software that was provided from there.

Here I’m mirroring/archiving stuff that could get lost.

Tomb Raider docs

Here’s some reverse-engineered documentation about the Tomb Raider games found in the depths of the web.

  • Tomb Raider Rosetta Stone
  • TR1 - TR5 file format listing (as PDF or as XLS)
  • TR2 TombPC.dat script file format description as PDF
  • TRLE WAD file format description as PDF
  • TRAOD file format description as HTML

Leikkuri/Cutter v0.43

Simple utility to modify hardcoded TR4 font table. Download Source

XDumb 0.9.9 PS2 HDD utility for Mac OS X

Should work on PPC and Intel, starting from Mac OS X 10.3.9. Download Source

You will also need the corresponding server ELF (0.8.6) for your PS2. Download Source

There are also these modified server ELFs, version u0.8.6 and 0.9.1 as well as 0.8.6 with a size fix (160GB HDDs). Download Source Source

GBDK 2.96 binaries for Mac OS X

Compiled for Snow Leopard, works on Mavericks. Not all examples are buildable. By ProGM. Download Source

Be warned though: this release could have problems. One thing I’ve noticed: the font_min is broken, all ‘u’s look like ‘k’s. That’s a simple fix, just open gbdk/lib/small/asxxxx/gb/f_min.o and change the ‘15’ in line 19 and 23 to ‘1F’.