My static website generator using poole
Você não pode selecionar mais de 25 tópicos Os tópicos devem começar com uma letra ou um número, podem incluir traços ('-') e podem ter até 35 caracteres. 11KB

  1. import re
  2. import itertools
  3. import email.utils
  4. import os.path
  5. import time
  6. import codecs
  7. from datetime import datetime
  8. DEFAULT_LANG = "en"
  9. BASE_URL = ""
  10. # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  11. # lightgallery helper macro
  12. # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  13. # call this macro like this
  14. # lightgallery([
  15. # [ "image-link", "description" ],
  16. # [ "image-link", "thumbnail-link", "description" ],
  17. # [ "youtube-link", "thumbnail-link", "description" ],
  18. # [ "video-link", "mime", "thumbnail-link", "image-link", "description" ]
  19. # ])
  20. def lightgallery(links):
  21. videos = [l for l in links if len(l) == 5]
  22. v_i = 0
  23. for v in videos:
  24. link, mime, thumb, poster, alt = v
  25. v_i += 1
  26. print '<div style="display:none;" id="video' + str(v_i) + '">'
  27. print '<video class="lg-video-object lg-html5" controls preload="none">'
  28. print '<source src="' + link + '" type="' + mime + '">'
  29. print 'Your browser does not support HTML5 video.'
  30. print '</video>'
  31. print '</div>'
  32. print '<div class="lightgallery">'
  33. v_i = 0
  34. for l in links:
  35. if (len(l) == 3) or (len(l) == 2):
  36. link = img = alt = ""
  37. if len(l) == 3:
  38. link, img, alt = l
  39. else:
  40. link, alt = l
  41. x = link.rfind('.')
  42. img = link[:x] + '_small' + link[x:]
  43. print '<div class="border" data-src="' + link + '"><a href="' + link + '"><img class="pic" src="' + img + '" alt="' + alt + '"></a></div>'
  44. elif len(l) == 5:
  45. v_i += 1
  46. link, mime, thumb, poster, alt = v
  47. print '<div class="border" data-poster="' + poster + '" data-sub-html="' + alt + '" data-html="#video' + str(v_i) + '"><a href="' + link + '"><img class="pic" src="' + thumb + '"></a></div>'
  48. else:
  49. raise NameError('Invalid number of arguments for lightgallery')
  50. print '</div>'
  51. # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  52. # preconvert hooks
  53. # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  54. def hook_preconvert_anotherlang():
  55. MKD_PATT = r'\.(?:md|mkd|mdown|markdown)$'
  56. _re_lang = re.compile(r'^[\s+]?lang[\s+]?[:=]((?:.|\n )*)', re.MULTILINE)
  57. vpages = [] # Set of all virtual pages
  58. for p in pages:
  59. current_lang = DEFAULT_LANG # Default language
  60. langs = [] # List of languages for the current page
  61. page_vpages = {} # Set of virtual pages for the current page
  62. text_lang = re.split(_re_lang, p.source)
  63. text_grouped = dict(zip([current_lang,] + \
  64. [lang.strip() for lang in text_lang[1::2]], \
  65. text_lang[::2]))
  66. for lang, text in text_grouped.iteritems():
  67. spath = p.fname.split(os.path.sep)
  68. langs.append(lang)
  69. if lang == "en":
  70. filename = re.sub(MKD_PATT, "%s\g<0>" % "", p.fname).split(os.path.sep)[-1]
  71. else:
  72. filename = re.sub(MKD_PATT, ".%s\g<0>" % lang, p.fname).split(os.path.sep)[-1]
  73. vp = Page(filename, virtual=text)
  74. # Copy real page attributes to the virtual page
  75. for attr in p:
  76. if not vp.has_key(attr):
  77. vp[attr] = p[attr]
  78. # Define a title in the proper language
  79. vp["title"] = p["title_%s" % lang] \
  80. if p.has_key("title_%s" % lang) \
  81. else p["title"]
  82. # Keep track of the current lang of the virtual page
  83. vp["lang"] = lang
  84. # Fix post name if exists
  85. if vp.has_key("post"):
  86. if lang == "en":
  87. vp["post"] = vp["post"][:]
  88. else:
  89. vp["post"] = vp["post"][:-len(lang) - 1]
  90. page_vpages[lang] = vp
  91. # Each virtual page has to know about its sister vpages
  92. for lang, vpage in page_vpages.iteritems():
  93. vpage["lang_links"] = dict([(l, v["url"]) for l, v in page_vpages.iteritems()])
  94. vpage["other_lang"] = langs # set other langs and link
  95. vpages += page_vpages.values()
  96. pages[:] = vpages
  97. _COMPAT = """ case "%s":
  98. $loc = "%s/%s";
  99. break;
  100. """
  101. _COMPAT_404 = """ default:
  102. $loc = "%s";
  103. break;
  104. """
  105. def hook_preconvert_compat():
  106. fp = open(os.path.join(options.project, "output", "index.php"), 'w')
  107. fp.write("<?\n")
  108. fp.write("// Auto generated xyCMS compatibility index.php\n")
  109. fp.write("$loc = '';\n")
  110. fp.write("if (isset($_GET['p'])) {\n")
  111. fp.write(" if (isset($_GET['lang'])) {\n")
  112. fp.write(" $_GET['p'] .= 'EN';\n")
  113. fp.write(" }\n")
  114. fp.write(" switch($_GET['p']) {\n")
  115. for p in pages:
  116. if p.get("compat", "") != "":
  117. tmp = p["compat"]
  118. if p.get("lang", DEFAULT_LANG) == DEFAULT_LANG:
  119. tmp = tmp + "EN"
  120. fp.write(_COMPAT % (tmp, "", p.url))
  121. fp.write("\n")
  122. fp.write(_COMPAT_404 % "/404.html")
  123. fp.write(" }\n")
  124. fp.write("}\n")
  125. fp.write("if ($_SERVER['SERVER_PROTOCOL'] == 'HTTP/1.1') {\n")
  126. fp.write(" if (php_sapi_name() == 'cgi') {\n")
  127. fp.write(" header('Status: 301 Moved Permanently');\n")
  128. fp.write(" } else {\n")
  129. fp.write(" header('HTTP/1.1 301 Moved Permanently');\n")
  130. fp.write(" }\n")
  131. fp.write("}\n");
  132. fp.write("header('Location: '.$loc);\n")
  133. fp.write("?>")
  134. fp.close()
  135. _SITEMAP = """<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  136. <urlset xmlns="">
  137. %s
  138. </urlset>
  139. """
  140. _SITEMAP_URL = """
  141. <url>
  142. <loc>%s/%s</loc>
  143. <lastmod>%s</lastmod>
  144. <changefreq>%s</changefreq>
  145. <priority>%s</priority>
  146. </url>
  147. """
  148. def hook_preconvert_sitemap():
  149. date = datetime.strftime(, "%Y-%m-%d")
  150. urls = []
  151. for p in pages:
  152. urls.append(_SITEMAP_URL % (BASE_URL, p.url, date, p.get("changefreq", "monthly"), p.get("priority", "0.5")))
  153. fname = os.path.join(options.project, "output", "sitemap.xml")
  154. fp = open(fname, 'w')
  155. fp.write(_SITEMAP % "".join(urls))
  156. fp.close()
  157. # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  158. # postconvert hooks
  159. # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  160. _RSS = """<?xml version="1.0"?>
  161. <rss version="2.0" xmlns:atom="">
  162. <channel>
  163. <title>%s</title>
  164. <link>%s</link>
  165. <atom:link href="%s" rel="self" type="application/rss+xml" />
  166. <description>%s</description>
  167. <language>en-us</language>
  168. <pubDate>%s</pubDate>
  169. <lastBuildDate>%s</lastBuildDate>
  170. <docs></docs>
  171. <generator>Poole</generator>
  172. %s
  173. </channel>
  174. </rss>
  175. """
  176. _RSS_ITEM = """
  177. <item>
  178. <title>%s</title>
  179. <link>%s</link>
  180. <description>%s</description>
  181. <pubDate>%s</pubDate>
  182. <guid>%s</guid>
  183. </item>
  184. """
  185. def hook_postconvert_rss():
  186. items = []
  187. posts = [p for p in pages if "post" in p] # get all blog post pages
  188. posts.sort(key=lambda p:, reverse=True)
  189. posts = posts[:10]
  190. for p in posts:
  191. title =
  192. link = "%s/%s" % (BASE_URL, p.url)
  193. desc = p.html.replace("href=\"img", "%s%s%s" % ("href=\"", BASE_URL, "/img"))
  194. desc = desc.replace("src=\"img", "%s%s%s" % ("src=\"", BASE_URL, "/img"))
  195. desc = htmlspecialchars(desc)
  196. date = time.mktime(time.strptime("%s 12" %, "%Y-%m-%d %H"))
  197. date = email.utils.formatdate(date)
  198. items.append(_RSS_ITEM % (title, link, desc, date, link))
  199. items = "".join(items)
  200. title = " Blog"
  201. link = "%s/blog.html" % BASE_URL
  202. feed = "%s/rss.xml" % BASE_URL
  203. desc = htmlspecialchars("xythobuz Electronics & Software Projects")
  204. date = email.utils.formatdate()
  205. rss = _RSS % (title, link, feed, desc, date, date, items)
  206. fp =, "rss.xml"), "w", "utf-8")
  207. fp.write(rss)
  208. fp.close()
  209. _COMPAT_MOB = """ case "%s":
  210. $loc = "%s/%s";
  211. break;
  212. """
  213. _COMPAT_404_MOB = """ default:
  214. $loc = "%s";
  215. break;
  216. """
  217. def hook_postconvert_mobilecompat():
  218. directory = os.path.join(output, "mobile")
  219. if not os.path.exists(directory):
  220. os.makedirs(directory)
  221. fp =, "index.php"), "w", "utf-8")
  222. fp.write("<?\n")
  223. fp.write("// Auto generated xyCMS compatibility mobile/index.php\n")
  224. fp.write("$loc = '';\n")
  225. fp.write("if (isset($_GET['p'])) {\n")
  226. fp.write(" if (isset($_GET['lang'])) {\n")
  227. fp.write(" $_GET['p'] .= 'EN';\n")
  228. fp.write(" }\n")
  229. fp.write(" switch($_GET['p']) {\n")
  230. for p in pages:
  231. if p.get("compat", "") != "":
  232. tmp = p["compat"]
  233. if p.get("lang", DEFAULT_LANG) == DEFAULT_LANG:
  234. tmp = tmp + "EN"
  235. fp.write(_COMPAT_MOB % (tmp, "", re.sub(".html", ".html", p.url)))
  236. fp.write("\n")
  237. fp.write(_COMPAT_404_MOB % "/404.mob.html")
  238. fp.write(" }\n")
  239. fp.write("}\n")
  240. fp.write("if ($_SERVER['SERVER_PROTOCOL'] == 'HTTP/1.1') {\n")
  241. fp.write(" if (php_sapi_name() == 'cgi') {\n")
  242. fp.write(" header('Status: 301 Moved Permanently');\n")
  243. fp.write(" } else {\n")
  244. fp.write(" header('HTTP/1.1 301 Moved Permanently');\n")
  245. fp.write(" }\n")
  246. fp.write("}\n");
  247. fp.write("header('Location: '.$loc);\n")
  248. fp.write("?>")
  249. fp.close()
  250. def hook_postconvert_size():
  251. file_ext = '|'.join(['pdf', 'zip', 'rar', 'ods', 'odt', 'odp', 'doc', 'xls', 'ppt', 'docx', 'xlsx', 'pptx', 'exe', 'brd', 'mp3', 'mp4', 'plist'])
  252. def matched_link(matchobj):
  253. try:
  254. path =
  255. if path.startswith("http") or path.startswith("//") or path.startswith("ftp"):
  256. return '<a href=\"%s\">%s</a>' % (,
  257. elif path.startswith("/"):
  258. path = path.strip("/")
  259. path = os.path.join("static/", path)
  260. size = os.path.getsize(path)
  261. if size >= (1024 * 1024):
  262. return "<a href=\"%s\">%s</a>&nbsp;(%.1f MiB)" % (,, size / (1024.0 * 1024.0))
  263. elif size >= 1024:
  264. return "<a href=\"%s\">%s</a>&nbsp;(%d KiB)" % (,, size // 1024)
  265. else:
  266. return "<a href=\"%s\">%s</a>&nbsp;(%d Byte)" % (,, size)
  267. except:
  268. print "Unable to estimate file size for %s" %
  269. return '<a href=\"%s\">%s</a>' % (,
  270. _re_url = '<a href=\"([^\"]*?\.(%s))\">(.*?)<\/a>' % file_ext
  271. for p in pages:
  272. p.html = re.sub(_re_url, matched_link, p.html)