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  33. <h2>Ultimate Notifier Script</h2>
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  40. <h1>Ultimate Notifier Script</h1>
  41. <p>The service <a href="">Ultimate Notifier</a> allows you to send Push-Notification to your iPhone easily. Based on this, you can write shell scripts that are executed regularly via cron. This could inform you about a changed public IP. To do this, save this script somewhere:</p>
  42. <pre class="sh_sh">
  43. #!/bin/sh
  44. ipfile=".currentip"
  45. service=""
  46. user="username"
  47. pass="password"
  48. message="IP:"
  49. ip=`curl -s $service`
  50. touch $ipfile
  51. lastip=`cat $ipfile`
  52. if [ "$ip" != "$lastip" ]; then
  53. echo "New public IP. Sending notification!"
  54. curl -s "${user}/message=${message}%20${ip}/password=${pass}"
  55. fi
  56. cp /dev/null $ipfile
  57. echo $ip > $ipfile
  58. </pre>
  59. <p>It gets the current public IP via <a href=""></a> and compares it to the IP stored in a file named .currentip. If they differ, a Push-Notification will be sent and the new IP stored.</p>
  60. <p>With the command</p>
  61. <pre>crontab -e</pre>
  62. <blockquote>
  63. <p>You can add a cronfile entry. To execute the script every 30 minutes, use this:</p>
  64. </blockquote>
  65. <pre>*/30 * * * * /Users/anon/bin/</pre>
  66. <p>You can find the code on <a href="">GitHub</a>, too!</p>
  67. <p>Of course, you can extend this principle. This script is called every 5 minutes on my server to notify me about eventual problems.</p>
  68. <pre class="sh_sh">
  69. #!/bin/bash
  70. # Checks for Health of Server and sends notifications to iPhone in case of error
  71. # Checks for:
  72. # - HDD Temperature
  73. # - HDD Space
  74. # - CPU Usage
  75. # Sends a notification via UltimateNotifier
  76. # Depends on bash, wget, hddtemp, grep, awk, sed, ps, sort and head.
  77. # ------------------------------
  78. # ------------------------------
  79. # Your UltimateNotifier Password
  80. UNUsername="YourUserName"
  81. UNPassword="YourPassWord"
  82. # Check for free space
  83. hddMountPoint="bay" # greps for this in mounted hdds
  84. maxPercentFull=75 # minimum percentage to send notification
  85. # Check for CPU Usage of processes
  86. maxCpuUsage=750 # Is in tenths of a percent (420 => 42%)
  87. # Checks hdd temperature
  88. # Depends on hddtemp tool
  89. hddDevice="/dev/sda"
  90. maxHddTemp=50
  91. # ------------------------------
  92. # ------------------------------
  93. # Set $message to your Message and then call this...
  94. function sendNotification {
  95. wget "${UNUsername}/message=${message}/password=${UNPassword}" -O /dev/null -q
  96. echo "$message"
  97. }
  98. # ------------------------------
  99. # ------------------------------
  100. # Check for hdd temperature
  101. hddTemp=`/usr/sbin/hddtemp ${hddDevice} | awk '{print $4}' | awk -F '°' '{print $1}'`
  102. if [ $hddTemp -gt $maxHddTemp ]; then
  103. message="Marvin's HDD has reached ${hddTemp}°C!"
  104. sendNotification
  105. fi
  106. # Check for free space on hdd
  107. spaceUsed=`df -h | grep ${hddMountPoint} | awk '{print $5}' | sed 's/%//'`
  108. if [ $spaceUsed -gt $maxPercentFull ]; then
  109. message="Marvin's HDD is ${spaceUsed}% full!"
  110. sendNotification
  111. fi
  112. # Check for most cpu intensive process, report if usage too high
  113. processName=`ps -e -o cp,args | sed -e 's/^[ \\t]*//' | awk -F " " '{print $1, $2}' | sed -e '1d' | sort -rn | head -1 | awk '{print $2}'`
  114. processUsage=`ps -e -o cp,args | sed -e 's/^[ \\t]*//' | awk -F " " '{print $1, $2}' | sed -e '1d' | sort -rn | head -1 | awk '{print $1}'`
  115. if [ $processUsage -gt $maxCpuUsage ]; then
  116. processUsage=`echo "${processUsage} / 10.0" | bc -q`
  117. message="${processName} needs ${processUsage}% CPU!"
  118. sendNotification
  119. fi
  120. </pre>
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  148. I'm a 19 year old Information Engineering student from Germany, mostly building cool stuff with AVR microcontrollers. All of my projects are released as <a href="">Free Software</a> on my <a href="">GitHub Profile</a>.
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