My static website generator using poole 49KB

title: Node-RED description: Point ‘n’ Click workflow automation parent: smarthome position: 300 date: 2021-11-01 update: 2022-07-07

comments: true

Node-RED is a great tool for visually creating workflows based on events. I use it in conjunction with my ESP-Env sensor and actor hardware and MQTT to automate my smart home.

I plan to extend these workflows as required when I add new hardware to my network.

Here is a simple setup that automatically switches lights in my bathroom according to the sun position, using node-red-contrib-sunevents. It allows forcing a temporary override via another MQTT topic, for a lightswitch. In the automatic, non-overridden mode it also includes presence detection using node-red-contrib-fritz. This is using the API of my Fritz!Box Router to check if specific MAC Addresses are connected to the WiFi network.

The fan in my window-less bathroom is kept on all the time for now. In the future I want to add movement sensors to the bathroom and integrate them into this logic, as well as the temperature / humidity sensors I already have in there. All these devices run my ESP-Env firmware.

And here are the flows for importing in Node-RED. Copy to clipboard

        "id": "490116e54af5ff9a",
        "type": "tab",
        "label": "Bathroom Lights",
        "disabled": false,
        "info": "",
        "env": []
        "id": "74341bea93cc320d",
        "type": "tab",
        "label": "Bathroom Fan",
        "disabled": false,
        "info": "",
        "env": []
        "id": "8a6a748b145123cb",
        "type": "tab",
        "label": "Presence Detection",
        "disabled": false,
        "info": "",
        "env": []
        "id": "b9932c4c66b18537",
        "type": "tab",
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        "disabled": false,
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        "type": "mqtt-broker",
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        "broker": "",
        "port": "1883",
        "clientid": "",
        "autoConnect": true,
        "usetls": false,
        "protocolVersion": "5",
        "keepalive": "60",
        "cleansession": true,
        "birthTopic": "",
        "birthQos": "0",
        "birthPayload": "",
        "birthMsg": {},
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        "closeQos": "0",
        "closePayload": "",
        "closeMsg": {},
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        "willQos": "0",
        "willPayload": "",
        "willMsg": {},
        "sessionExpiry": ""
        "id": "bec40e042190e5b4",
        "type": "fritzbox-config",
        "name": "Fritz Box",
        "host": "",
        "port": "49000",
        "ssl": false,
        "user": "YOUR_USERNAME_HERE"
        "id": "4039bc1ca3cd6e11",
        "type": "comment",
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        "name": "Check for new Sun Events",
        "info": "",
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        "x": 100,
        "y": 500,
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        "name": "Is Sunrise?",
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        "z": "490116e54af5ff9a",
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        "type": "mqtt in",
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        "y": 540,
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        "z": "490116e54af5ff9a",
        "name": "Every 60sec",
        "props": [
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        "crontab": "",
        "once": true,
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        "x": 120,
        "y": 740,
        "wires": [
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        "type": "comment",
        "z": "490116e54af5ff9a",
        "name": "Stop Override after time",
        "info": "",
        "x": 140,
        "y": 700,
        "wires": []
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        "type": "switch",
        "z": "490116e54af5ff9a",
        "name": "Lights Forced?",
        "property": "forced_light_bathroom",
        "propertyType": "global",
        "rules": [
                "t": "neq",
                "v": "none",
                "vt": "str"
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        "repair": false,
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        "x": 300,
        "y": 740,
        "wires": [
        "id": "3ec81549844232cc",
        "type": "function",
        "z": "490116e54af5ff9a",
        "name": "New Override State",
        "func": "var trig_t = global.get(\"forced_light_bathroom_time\");\n//node.warn(\"trig_t = \" + trig_t);\n\ntrig_t += (1000 * 60 * 60 * 2); // 2 hours\n\n//trig_t += (1000 * 60); // 1 minute\n//node.warn(\"trig_t+1 = \" + trig_t);\n\nvar trig = new Date(trig_t);\n//node.warn(\"trig = \" + trig);\n\nvar now = new Date();\n//node.warn(\"now = \" + now);\n\nif (trig <= now) {\n    msg.payload = \"none\";\n    return msg;\n} else {\n    return null;\n}",
        "outputs": 1,
        "noerr": 0,
        "initialize": "",
        "finalize": "",
        "libs": [],
        "x": 150,
        "y": 840,
        "wires": [
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        "type": "comment",
        "z": "490116e54af5ff9a",
        "name": "Disable after 2 hours",
        "info": "",
        "x": 150,
        "y": 800,
        "wires": []
        "id": "d9c6f73e0340a93e",
        "type": "change",
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        "name": "Store Forced Light State",
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        "name": "Return current approx. sun state",
        "func": "var now = new Date();\nvar h = now.getHours();\n\nif ((h >= 8) && (h <= 19)) {\n    msg.payload = \"sunrise\";\n} else {\n    msg.payload = \"sunset\";\n}\n\nreturn msg;",
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The Node-RED installation is handled by an ansible script.