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  56. <h1>YASAB - Yet another simple AVR Bootloader</h1>
  57. <p>YASAB is a simple AVR Bootloader, written in C for the <a href="">AVR libc</a>. A PC Program sends the data to be programmed with a simple protocol via UART to the AVR. If the bootloader was compiled for the ATmega168, 128x or 256x, it will listen on both USART0 and USART1 for serial communication attempts. <a href="">The most recent source code can be found in the Github Repository</a>. The Upload software can easily be used in place of avrdude in makefiles.</p>
  58. <p>Another YASAB compatible Uploader implementation is in my <a href="">xyCopter Android App</a>, using <a href="/bluetooth.html">Bluetooth</a>.</p>
  59. <pre>
  60. yasab /dev/tty.usbserial-A100QOUE test.hex q
  61. Hex File Path : test.hex
  62. Minimum Address : 0x0
  63. Maximum Address : 0x61E2
  64. Data payload : 25068 bytes
  65. Pinging bootloader... Stop with CTRL+C
  66. Got response... Acknowledging...
  67. Connection established successfully!
  68. Sending target address...
  69. Sending data length...
  70. 100% (25068 / 25068) 195 page(s) written!
  71. Upload finished after 28.0 seconds.
  72. </pre>
  73. <p><a href="/img/xyCopterFirmware.png"><img alt="xyCopter Screenshot" src="/img/xyCopterFirmware_small.png" /></a></p>
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  90. I'm a 19 year old Information Engineering student from Germany, mostly building cool stuff with AVR microcontrollers. All of my projects are released as Free Software.
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