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  56. <h1>8x8x8 LED Cube</h1>
  57. <p>Get the <a href="">current Codebase as Zip</a>.</p>
  58. <iframe width="640" height="360" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
  59. <p>My friends Max (<a href="&#109;&#97;&#105;&#108;&#116;&#111;&#58;&#104;&#117;&#116;&#97;&#116;&#116;&#101;&#100;&#111;&#110;&#109;&#121;&#97;&#114;&#109;&#64;&#109;&#101;&#46;&#99;&#111;&#109;">&#104;&#117;&#116;&#97;&#116;&#116;&#101;&#100;&#111;&#110;&#109;&#121;&#97;&#114;&#109;&#64;&#109;&#101;&#46;&#99;&#111;&#109;</a>) and Felix built this single-color 8x8x8 LED Cube with me. On this page, you can get the Software as well as Schematics and the PCB Layout licensed under the GPLv3. Have fun!</p>
  60. <p><a href="/img/cube14.jpg"><img alt="Foto 1" src="/img/cube14_small.jpg" /></a>
  61. <a href="/img/cube11.jpg"><img alt="Foto 2" src="/img/cube11_small.jpg" /></a></p>
  62. <h2>Hardware</h2>
  63. <p>An AtMega32 controls 8 8bit Latches. These 64 bits control, via a PNP Transistor, the anodes of 8 LEDs, each.</p>
  64. <p>There are also 8 N-Channel MOSFETs connected to the AtMega32. They each control the cathodes of 64 LEDs on a Y-Plane.</p>
  65. <p>It can talk to a PC via USB with a FT232RL. A 1Mbit FRAM is accessed over TWI (or I2C).</p>
  66. <p>There's also an AtMega8 which acts as a TWI Slave and sends audio data to the AtMega32. This data comes from a MSGEQ7.</p>
  67. <p>An extensive part list can be found in the Github repository, in Hardware, called parts.txt.</p>
  68. <p><a href="/img/cube10.jpg"><img alt="Foto 3" src="/img/cube10_small.jpg" /></a>
  69. <a href="/img/cube12.jpg"><img alt="Foto 4" src="/img/cube12_small.jpg" /></a></p>
  70. <h2>Software</h2>
  71. <p>The software is composed of 3 parts. The CubeFirmware for the AtMega32, the AudioFirmware for the AtMega8 and CubeControl, the PC software.</p>
  72. <h3>CubeFirmware</h3>
  73. <p>It's main work is to load images from the FRAM or the AtMega8 and display it. It also monitors the serial Port and reacts accordingly.</p>
  74. <p><a href="/img/kuehler1.jpg"><img alt="Foto 7" src="/img/kuehler1_small.jpg" /></a>
  75. <a href="/img/kuehler2.jpg"><img alt="Foto 8" src="/img/kuehler2_small.jpg" /></a></p>
  76. <h3>AudioFirmware</h3>
  77. <p>It gets data from the MSGEQ7 and sends it via TWI.</p>
  78. <h3>CubeControl</h3>
  79. <p>Depends on <a href="">Java3D</a>. It renders a rotatable 3D View of the cube. You can then create animations, load and save them, and upload them to the Cube. It has it's own C Library for Windows and Unix to talk to the serial port.</p>
  80. <p><a href="/img/cubecontrol.png"><img alt="Screenshot" src="/img/cubecontrol_small.png" /></a>
  81. <a href="/img/cubeschem.png"><img alt="Schematic" src="/img/cubeschem_small.png" /></a></p>
  82. <h3>Hardware Emulator</h3>
  83. <p>Allows you to test CubeControl without a real Cube. Unix only!</p>
  84. <h3>UploadTest</h3>
  85. <p>Small CLI tool to send testdata or stored animations from CubeControl. Unix only!</p>
  86. <h2>Download</h2>
  87. <p>Get the whole code, as well as schematics and the PCB layout as PNG and Eagle files, from the <a href="">GitHub Repository</a>.</p>
  88. <p><a href="/img/cube13.jpg"><img alt="Foto 5" src="/img/cube13_small.jpg" /></a>
  89. <a href="/img/cube15.jpg"><img alt="Foto 6" src="/img/cube15_small.jpg" /></a></p>
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  104. <h3>Thomas Buck</h3>
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  106. <p id="bio">
  107. I'm a 19 year old Information Engineering student from Germany, mostly building cool stuff with AVR microcontrollers. All of my projects are released as Free Software.
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