Open Source Tomb Raider Engine
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Script.h 7.8KB

  1. /*!
  2. * \file include/Script.h
  3. * \brief Game script loader
  4. *
  5. * \author xythobuz
  6. */
  7. #ifndef _SCRIPT_H_
  8. #define _SCRIPT_H_
  9. #include "utils/binary.h"
  10. #include <cstdint>
  11. #include <functional>
  12. #include <string>
  13. #include <vector>
  14. /*!
  15. * \brief Game script loader
  16. */
  17. class Script {
  18. public:
  19. typedef enum {
  20. S_English = 0,
  21. S_French = 1,
  22. S_German = 2,
  23. S_American = 3,
  24. S_Japanese = 4
  25. } ScriptLanguage;
  26. typedef enum {
  27. OP_PICTURE = 0, //!< Unused in TR2. Or PSX? Used in TR3.
  28. OP_PSX_TRACK = 1, //!< Does not compile. PSX?
  29. OP_PSX_FMV = 2, //!< Does not compile. PSX?
  30. OP_FMV = 3, //!< Display FMV
  31. OP_GAME = 4, //!< Start a playable level
  32. OP_CUT = 5, //!< Display a cutscene
  33. OP_COMPLETE = 6, //!< Display level-completion stats
  34. OP_DEMO = 7, //!< Display demo sequence
  35. OP_PSX_DEMO = 8, //!< Does not compile. PSX?
  36. OP_END = 9, //!< Closes script sequence
  37. OP_TRACK = 10, //!< Play soundtrack (precedes level opcode)
  38. OP_SUNSET = 11, //!< Unknown, nothing changes in TR2. Start in Motorboat?
  39. OP_LOAD_PIC = 12, //!< Does not compile. PSX? Used in TR3.
  40. OP_DEADLY_WATER = 13, //!< Unknown, nothing changes in TR2.
  41. OP_REMOVE_WEAPONS = 14, //!< Start level without weapons
  42. OP_GAMECOMPLETE = 15, //!< End of game. Show stats, start credits sequence, music ID 52 in TR2.
  43. OP_CUTANGLE = 16, //!< Match N-S orientation of Room and animated characters.
  44. OP_NOFLOOR = 17, //!< Lara dies when her feet reach given depth.
  45. OP_STARTINV = 18, //!< Items given to Lara at level start (+1000), or at all secrets found (+0)
  46. OP_STARTANIM = 19, //!< Special animation of Lara when level starts
  47. OP_SECRETS = 20, //!< If zero, level does not account for secrets
  48. OP_KILLTOCOMPLETE = 21, //!< Kill all enemies to finish the level
  49. OP_REMOVE_AMMO = 22, //!< Lara starts level without ammo or medi packs
  50. OP_UNKNOWN = 23
  51. } ScriptOpCode;
  52. // Items for all-secrets-found go from 0 to 26,
  53. // for start-inventory add 1000, so 1000 - 1026
  54. // Atleast in TR2
  55. typedef enum {
  56. OP_WEAPON_PISTOLS = 0, //!< Add standard pistols (2)
  57. OP_WEAPON_SHOTGUN = 1, //!< Add shotgun (1)
  58. OP_WEAPON_AUTOPISTOLS = 2, //!< Add automatic pistols (2)
  59. OP_WEAPON_UZIS = 3, //!< Add uzis (2)
  60. OP_WEAPON_HARPOON = 4, //!< Add harpoon gun (1)
  61. OP_WEAPON_M16 = 5, //!< Add M16 (1)
  62. OP_WEAPON_ROCKET = 6, //!< Add grenade launcher (1)
  63. OP_AMMO_PISTOLS = 7, //!< No effect, infinite ammo
  64. OP_AMMO_SHOTGUN = 8, //!< Add 2 shells
  65. OP_AMMO_AUTOPISTOLS = 9, //!< Add 2 shells
  66. OP_AMMO_UZIS = 10, //!< Add 2 shells
  67. OP_AMMO_HARPOON = 11, //!< Add 2 harpoons
  68. OP_AMMO_M16 = 12, //!< Add 2 shells
  69. OP_AMMO_ROCKET = 13, //!< Add 1 grenade
  70. OP_ITEM_FLARE = 14, //!< Add 1 flare
  71. OP_ITEM_MEDI = 15, //!< Add 1 small MediPack
  72. OP_ITEM_BIGMEDI = 16, //!< Add 1 big MediPack
  73. OP_ITEM_PICKUP1 = 17, //!< Add Pickup Item 1
  74. OP_ITEM_PICKUP2 = 18, //!< Add Pickup Item 2
  75. OP_ITEM_PUZZLE1 = 19, //!< Add Puzzle Item 1
  76. OP_ITEM_PUZZLE2 = 20, //!< Add Puzzle Item 2
  77. OP_ITEM_PUZZLE3 = 21, //!< Add Puzzle Item 3
  78. OP_ITEM_PUZZLE4 = 22, //!< Add Puzzle Item 4
  79. OP_ITEM_KEY1 = 23, //!< Add Key Item 1
  80. OP_ITEM_KEY2 = 24, //!< Add Key Item 2
  81. OP_ITEM_KEY3 = 25, //!< Add Key Item 3
  82. OP_ITEM_KEY4 = 26, //!< Add Key Item 4
  83. OP_ITEM_UNKNOWN = 27
  84. } ScriptItem;
  85. Script();
  86. ~Script();
  87. int load(const char *file);
  88. unsigned int levelCount();
  89. std::string getLevelName(unsigned int i);
  90. std::string getLevelFilename(unsigned int i);
  91. unsigned int pictureCount();
  92. std::string getPictureFilename(unsigned int i);
  93. unsigned int cutsceneCount();
  94. std::string getCutsceneFilename(unsigned int i);
  95. unsigned int titleCount();
  96. std::string getTitleFilename(unsigned int i);
  97. unsigned int videoCount();
  98. std::string getVideoFilename(unsigned int i);
  99. unsigned int gameStringCount();
  100. std::string getGameString(unsigned int i);
  101. unsigned int pcStringCount();
  102. std::string getPCString(unsigned int i);
  103. std::string getPuzzleString(unsigned int i, unsigned int j);
  104. std::string getPickupString(unsigned int i, unsigned int j);
  105. std::string getKeyString(unsigned int i, unsigned int j);
  106. void registerScriptHandler(ScriptOpCode op, std::function<int (bool, uint16_t)> func);
  107. int runScript(unsigned int level);
  108. private:
  109. typedef enum {
  110. S_DemoVersion = (1 << 0), //!< Don't load a MAIN.SFX
  111. S_TitleDisabled = (1 << 1), //!< If set, game has no title screen
  112. S_CheatModeCheckDisabled = (1 << 2), //!< Disable flare/step/rotate/jump sequence
  113. S_NoInputTimeout = (1 << 3), //!< If set don't timeout input to start demo
  114. S_LoadSaveDisabled = (1 << 4), //!< Don't allow load/save
  115. S_ScreenSizingDisabled = (1 << 5), //!< Don't change screen resolution
  116. S_LockOutOptionRing = (1 << 6), //!< No option ring while in level
  117. S_DOZYCheatEnabled = (1 << 7), //!< DOZY flying cheat
  118. S_UseSecurityTag = (1 << 8), //!< Strings XORed with cypherCode
  119. S_Unknown = (1 << 9), //!< Usually set, no known effect
  120. S_SelectAnyLevel = (1 << 10), //!< Level selectable in Title
  121. S_EnableCheatCode = (1 << 11) //!< No known effect
  122. } ScriptFlag;
  123. void readStringPackage(BinaryFile &f, std::vector<std::string> &v, unsigned int n);
  124. void readScriptPackage(BinaryFile &f, std::vector<std::vector<uint16_t>> &v, unsigned int n);
  125. const bool opcodeHasOperand[OP_UNKNOWN] {
  126. true, true, true, true, true, true,
  127. false, true, true, false, true, false,
  128. true, false, false, false, true, true,
  129. true, true, true, false, false
  130. };
  131. // Header
  132. uint32_t version; // Always 3, for TR2/3 on PC and PSX
  133. std::string description;
  134. // Gameflow data
  135. uint32_t firstOption;
  136. int32_t titleReplace;
  137. uint32_t onDeathDemoMode;
  138. uint32_t onDeathInGame;
  139. uint32_t noInputTime;
  140. uint32_t onDemoInterrupt;
  141. uint32_t onDemoEnd;
  142. uint16_t numLevels;
  143. uint16_t numPictures;
  144. uint16_t numTitles;
  145. uint16_t numFMVs;
  146. uint16_t numCutscenes;
  147. uint16_t numDemos;
  148. uint16_t titleTrack;
  149. int16_t singleLevel;
  150. uint16_t flags; // See ScriptFlag enum
  151. uint8_t cypherCode;
  152. uint8_t language; // See ScriptLanguage enum
  153. uint16_t secretTrack;
  154. uint16_t numPCStrings;
  155. uint16_t numGameStrings;
  156. // Strings
  157. std::vector<std::string> levelNames; // numLevels
  158. std::vector<std::string> pictureFilenames; // numPictures
  159. std::vector<std::string> titleFilenames; // numTitles
  160. std::vector<std::string> fmvFilenames; // numFMVs
  161. std::vector<std::string> levelFilenames; // numLevels
  162. std::vector<std::string> cutsceneFilenames; // numCutscenes
  163. std::vector<std::vector<uint16_t>> script; // numLevels + 1
  164. std::vector<std::string> gameStrings; // numGameStrings
  165. std::vector<std::string> pcStrings; // 41 for TR2/3 on PC; 80 for TR2 on PSX
  166. std::vector<std::vector<std::string>> puzzles; // 4 * numLevels
  167. std::vector<std::vector<std::string>> pickups; // 2 * numLevels
  168. std::vector<std::vector<std::string>> keys; // 4 * numLevels
  169. std::function<int (bool, uint16_t)> scriptHandlers[OP_UNKNOWN];
  170. };
  171. #endif