Top -> down
- Decide what output function is to use.
- Precautions. If non of the DISPLAY_CHARSET_HD44780's is selected fall back to Japanese.
- When we are not on the dogms setup a mapping table depending on display type and mapper.
- If we are on dogm we use ONE To ONE mapping - except kanji.
- select and define one of the mapping functions.
Top -> down
- We don't need the old Marlion_font package any more - we made new.
- But we need information about configured fonts and the mappers.
- We support Cyrillic now.
- LCD_CLASS is not used in this file. LiquidCrystalRus.h is deleted anyway.
- define some fonts
- BIG_EDIT_FONT works only together with western languages.
- Select a matching FONT for the MENUE depending on the defined language.
- Number the different font-types. Wanted to avoid to store complete font-structures when changing fonts back and forth.
- Marlin special symbols are now at the lower end - like in 'ultralcd_implementation_hitachi_HD44780.h'
- insert the new remembering setFont function.
- insert the new counting lcd_print functions.
- make use of the new setFont and lcd_print functions.
- On some places redefined one character long strings with chars to avoid overhead and reduce warnings.
Changes in ultralcd_implementation_hitachi_HD44780.h in detail
Top -> down:
We don't need LiquidCrystalRus.cpp and LiquidCrystalRus.h any more. Functionality is now in utf_mapper.h
Comment on LCD_STR_BEDTEMP about behaviour in strings.
Change LCD_STR_ARROW_RIGHT from "\x7E" to ">" because "\x7E" is only ARROW_RIGHT on displays with DISPLAY_CHARSET_HD44780_JAPAN.
Introduce the counting UTF8 enabled lcd_print functions.
Replace the old lcd.print functions and make use of them.
A bit of reformatting around the changes.
Fonts have been created with fony.exe (
The HD44760_? fonts simulate the fonts of the character based displays.
The ISO10646 fonts provide the right size of the standard fonts.
Marlin_symbols contains only the the special symbols of the original marlin font.
- Adapted “Enhanced G29” code referred to in #1499 and posted at
- Compatible with current G29 while adding some new arguments
- `V` sets the verbose level for serial out
- `T` (or `V` > 2) send a Topology report to serial out
- `E` works the same way as before
- `P` works as before (source used `n` or `U`/`u`)
- `L`, `R`, `B`, `F` work as before
- Still needs sanity checking for `LRBF`