IB-NAS6210 Linux
- root Access (by Jayare)
- Install the device like a normal user would
- Have at least one user with administrator access (either add one, or use the main account) - in my case this is 'admin' but could be any user with administrator rights
- Fire up an SSH connection to box (e.g. putty)
- Login with the following details:
- [username]_hipserv2_raidsonic_[PRODUCTCODE]
- so in my case that would be
- admin_hipserv2_raidsonic_XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX
- It'll echo the ICY BOX version (in my case ICY BOX version 10.0.x) and ask for a password. Enter the regular password for the user.
- You'll now be logged in to the ICY BOX with the 'regular' user
- sudo -E -s
- reenter your regular pwd. It'll give you an 'audit_log_user_command(): connection refused' and give you root access
- Hardware access (by me, really short version)
- This is really long and I'm not in the mood to translate this... Sorry :)
- But I saw that googles translator does a really "good" job translating my text...
- Try to look at my article translated to English!