18904 Révisions (laser-engraver)

Auteur SHA1 Message Date
  Thomas Buck 74cafcd776 add custom menu to set home offset il y a 1 an
  Thomas Buck 58dbdff1d5 optional cutter/laser status in HD44780 status screen. il y a 1 an
  Thomas Buck 41cd87398d initial working laser engraver config il y a 1 an
  thinkyhead e86c78379a [cron] Bump distribution date (2022-11-05) il y a 1 an
  Scott Lahteine 726321bc84 🩹 MAX Thermocouple followup il y a 1 an
  Scott Lahteine a80d2f065e 🩹 leds.update needed for reset_timeout il y a 1 an
  thinkyhead 32fa577d25 [cron] Bump distribution date (2022-11-04) il y a 1 an
  Scott Lahteine c579250294 🧑‍💻 More direct encoder spin il y a 1 an
  thinkyhead cd7fa1fdba [cron] Bump distribution date (2022-11-02) il y a 1 an
  Scott Lahteine 1c2d37eb0b 🎨 Update SAMD51 headers il y a 1 an
  thinkyhead bfa5e9b584 [cron] Bump distribution date (2022-10-31) il y a 1 an
  Scott Lahteine 622e795214 🎨 Format some lib-uhs3 code il y a 1 an
  ellensp b20db2e1a3
📌 ZRIB V52-V53 Servo Pins (#24880) il y a 1 an
  InsanityAutomation 4bee77d470
✨ Tenlog MB1V23 IDEX board (#24896) il y a 1 an
  thinkyhead c1bc34daa7 [cron] Bump distribution date (2022-10-30) il y a 1 an
  Giuliano Zaro 846f88526f
🌐 Update Italian language (#24915) il y a 1 an
  ellensp 1ef6ddccbe
📌 Remove unused RX/TX pins (#24932) il y a 1 an
  Keith Bennett d3e3a64092
🔧 Update Display Sleep LCD Check (#24934) il y a 1 an
  Justin Hartmann a9fe447313
🩹 Buttons Followup (#24935) il y a 1 an
  thinkyhead 6b4d7b9151 [cron] Bump distribution date (2022-10-25) il y a 1 an
  Scott Lahteine 6e1f0be215 🩹 Allow for last non-servo extruder il y a 1 an
  ellensp f4dc9d572b
🐛 Fix move_extruder_servo (#24908) il y a 1 an
  InsanityAutomation 81f88fefdc
🐛 Fix FTDUI Status Screen Timeout (#24899) il y a 1 an
  Manuel McLure cf2311f768
🩹 Fix spurious "bad command" (#24923) il y a 1 an
  thinkyhead 248236b1a7 [cron] Bump distribution date (2022-10-24) il y a 1 an
  Scott Lahteine aaf34fa96b 🩹 Fix M593 report il y a 1 an
  thinkyhead 2cad4420fd [cron] Bump distribution date (2022-10-23) il y a 1 an
  kurtis-potier-geofabrica 1b31a7cf2c
🚸 Up to 3 MAX Thermocouples (#24898) il y a 1 an
  Scott Lahteine fd0c6fa153 🔧 Clean up unused ESP_WIFI pins il y a 1 an
  thinkyhead ed1252642f [cron] Bump distribution date (2022-10-22) il y a 1 an
  tombrazier a460b01c87
🚀 ZV Input Shaping (#24797) il y a 1 an
  Scott Lahteine f8d7090e30 🔨 gcc-12 for macOS native il y a 1 an
  InsanityAutomation 02c43f44c7
✨ Controllerfan PWM scaling, kickstart (#24873) il y a 1 an
  silycr 86aac677ac
🚸 Probe pins for Chitu V5 (#24910) il y a 1 an
  thinkyhead 70b3166715 [cron] Bump distribution date (2022-10-21) il y a 1 an
  ellensp 42d30ed102
🔧 Some STM32 UART Sanity Checks (#24795) il y a 1 an
  Scott Lahteine 9be1554faf 🎨 Misc. variant cleanup, translation il y a 1 an
  InsanityAutomation b244785141
🐛 Fix Print Timer stop with MarlinUI abort (#24902) il y a 1 an
  Keith Bennett 7e25ef9456
✏️ Fix a label (#24903) il y a 1 an
  ellensp 437cc48470
🔧 No Native USB on AVR (#24906) il y a 1 an
  thinkyhead 4b279ac300 [cron] Bump distribution date (2022-10-20) il y a 1 an
  Scott Lahteine e49c3dc088 🩹 Polargraph followup il y a 1 an
  thinkyhead 6aa536c08f [cron] Bump distribution date (2022-10-19) il y a 1 an
  Scott Lahteine 81976c4360
🧑‍💻 Pins and debug list cleanup (#24878) il y a 1 an
  Scott Lahteine e298266eff 🎨 CONF_SERIAL_IS => SERIAL_IN_USE il y a 1 an
  ellensp 1aa0ece8a4
✨ Tronxy v10 (#24787) il y a 1 an
  Keith Bennett 4e1e82b122
🔧 No Sleep for CR-10 Stock Display (#24875) il y a 1 an
  karliss 52096599b3
🐛 Fix compile without Y/Z (#24858) il y a 1 an
  thinkyhead fa63ed6cc7 [cron] Bump distribution date (2022-10-18) il y a 1 an
  Keith Bennett 5cdb9c2bc8
🔧 Check Sensorless Homing on all axes (#24872) il y a 1 an